Our Services


Middle School & High School Students

Session Title: TAP- This course will provide guidance
and help you discover; determine your career path and or entrepreneurship.
Group Fee: $25.00 per student(min group of 5 students)
Individual Fee: $35.00

THINK – Do you want a job, career or become an entrepreneur?
ASSESS – Evaluate, estimate
PLAN – Decide and make the next steps

Are you job Ready? Do you know what it takes to work in today’s Workforce? There are 8 soft skills you must learn!
Let’s talk Entrepreneurship?

What’s all this talk about Soft Skills
What is Career Exploration

Christians Entrepreneurs

Session Title: IMAGE (I’m Making A Grand Entrance)
Session Fee: $150.00 (group of 5 or more)

The purpose of this session is to inspire and motivate Christian business owners to advanced the Kingdom of God with our Finances.

Is the session for Me?